Thursday, September 2, 2010

A Golden Chime

Khan here, just going to drop a little poem I wrote a week or two ago. Sorry about lack of posting and such, things happend on my end and Kobes' but we are hopefully back in the thick of things.

I once chanced upon a golden, honey-suckle chime,
A clear glassed and pure but teal hymn
Never is it wise to adore such a rhyme,
Neon stars shimmering line by line.

Once upon an alkaline time,
I skated across a sea to find a pearled poem to be mine.
I met the lyrical siren under steel trees and thinking it a sign.
But it wasn’t and so we fell in love, and it was all fine.

Her eyes were love ballads, her lips were wine.
Her words all of the most eloquent scrolls, for me to dine.
Her smile a glorious symphony, her laugh music with shine.
Chapter by chapter we made due with our ocean, until it became brine.

The day came when our acorn had became a mighty pine,
Not one needle of metal, he gave us grand children of nine.

The song and the scribble gave them everything, of love there was no decline.

When all had been written and sung, we walked hand in hand to light divine.

I once chanced upon a golden, honey-suckle chime,
A clear glassed and pure but teal hymn
Never is it wise to adore such a rhyme,
Neon stars shimmering line by line

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